Monday, October 5, 2009
Daily Journal for Tuesday 6th October 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Daily Journal for Tuesday 29th September 2009
O - This is the secret to life. Our life in this world is meant to be built from the inside out. We are to "dig deep down"and lay the foundation on rock. Who is the rock? Jesus Christ has been referred to as "the rock"(1 Cor 10:4, and 1 Pet 2:7-8). We are to build our lives on him. The emphasis here is on us". We are to dig down deep". Jesus is the source of life and the strength of life. Our "house", our bodies, our lives can only become strong and withstand the torrents and the floods of life (which will happen) if our foundations are on Christ and on his words. But there is also one more directive. It is not enough to just "hear"Jesus' words, we must put them into action.
A - To become a woman of strength I cannot take my walk with Jesus lightly. Oh He will let me, but when hardship comes I have no guarantee of victory. No my only hope, is in Jesus alone, my rock. It is my responsibility to continue daily to dig deeply into his word and to act on it, (really to reflect deeply on it, through meditative contemplation, and follow it's directives in my life), then I will not be swayed by life's torrents. My "house" will be well built.
P - Dear Jesus, Thankyou for being my rock. Thankyou that you have given us a clear way to build our lives deeper and stronger in you. Please help me to continue to do this everyday I pray. May your strength be in me. Amen.
Daily Reading Luke Chapters 5&6