Matthew 4:10,17
O - Jesus had fasted for forty days and forty nights. I have never fasted for this long (2 days has been my limit, or for a day over a longer period of weeks, in one case, for a year), but I understand people who have, have almost forsaken everything in order to give God the priority. I would understand that the spiritual life would become clearer, more tangible and the true reality when we have fasted for such a long time. It was in this context that Jesus met with satan. And satan uses his age old trick - he tempts Jesus (just like he did with Eve in the garden). He doesn't have to get physical with Jesus, or destroy Him, he merely goes for Jesus' pride. This is my biggest danger. Being unaware of motives and actions that really come from pride rather than from total surrender and obedience to God. But Jesus resists!. He resists by,
1. Clearly understanding the devil's ploy
2. Stating clearly for him to "Push Off!" Jesus knows our own hearts as well - when later on He takes up John the Baptist's cry and says, "Repent - for the kingdom of heaven is near". Here was the King of heaven, the King of glory, there before them - If only we had spiritual eyes to see, both the enemy - and his ways, and the King - and his victory and nearness in our lives.
A- I need to be more aware of how the enemy wants to "undo" me by appealing to my pride. I need to keep guarding my heart and see life with "spiritual eyes" and the pitfalls of the enemy, and possibilities of Jesus in my spiritual life - I need to see Jesus more!
P - Oh loving Lord Jesus. What an incredible model you are to us! Help me to develop spiritual eyes that cause me to understand the enemies ploys in my life, and in particular the way he appeals to my pride. Kill off the pride that entangles me and causes me to stumble, I pray. Help me to live more for you and to see only you, your majesty, your glory, your face. In your holy name I pray.
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