Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Seeking Righteousness

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them..........For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven...........But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be give to you as well" Matthew 5:17,20, 6:33
O - It seems harsh at first when Jesus tells us that our righteousness must surpass those who are our teachers and leaders spiritually. But as I reflected upon this, I realised that this this is true "life". When I allow my carnal nature to rule ( and sometimes I do), I know that it is always at a cost. I feel terrible later. I grieve that particular action, or thought or attitude, it always leads to a certain death of self that is not the surrender that Christ meant for us. Instead of my bad nature being "killed off", when I act unrighteously, I know instantly it is my "good" nature that is dying. This is not what I want. Jesus is right. And later on He tells us that that by seeking the things that He is concerned about gives us the life that we really need. These words are in the context of Chapter 5 & 6 of Matthew, which are words of life, which teach us about how to live life. The Sermon on the Mount are the greatest words ever uttered, in terms of instructions for living and Jesus gives us the standard he expects from these instructions. We need to "seek" righteousness constantly. And he has given us help to do this.
A - Last night, there were some actions I undertook which I knew were not pleasing to Jesus. This morning I repented , and undertook some actions which I knew were pleasing to Jesus. How different I felt! It really is true that when we seek the things He wants for our lives and his mission here on earth we benefit. How I want to keep living my life in more and more ways that will please Him.
P - Dear Jesus, Thank you so much for the amazing sermon you gave us to help us live life to the full in the way that you intend for us. Please help me to do this more and more in my life. I cannot do it on my own, but with your guidance, and your word to instruct me, and your free gift of forgiveness when I fail, it just might be possible. Help me to seek your kingdom first in my life.

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