S - "Don't be alarmed", he said. You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here".
Mark 16:6
O - Sometimes all we see in our life is the ordinary. Things that are familiar or expected. We go to work, we eat, we perhaps have certain activities on certain day, but all in all, mostly, our lives are predictable. And when the unpredictable happens, we panic! This is what happened to the women who went to Jesus' tomb to anoint Him. The stone was rolled away and there was a young man standing there, dressed in white and no Jesus. An angel perhaps! And they were alarmed! They had come to anoint their friend, their teacher, their son. He came from their town where they lived. And he died a shocking, brutal death in a public and humiliating way. They wanted to honour him. But he wasn't there. And now this angel says - "He is risen! He is not here". How extraordinary! He is God incarnate.
A - Oh how I am humbled to be reminded that my Jesus is an extraordinary God capable of anything in my life, if I am totally surrendered to Him. He is the risen Lord!
P - Dear Jesus, forgive me for sometimes seeing my life as too small, too ordinary, when you, the risen Christ have the extraordinary for me. Amen.
Daily Reading Mark Chapters 15&16
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