Thursday, September 3, 2009

Finding True Worth

S- "and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it" Matthew 10:38-39
O - It seems from this scripture that our worth is aligned to the degree we embrace the cross. Here Jesus says we must take our cross (which acknowledges our personal sin and our personal redemption) and "follow" Jesus. Therefore as I walk through life I must keep before me my Saviour - not deviate from the path that he leads me in - this is to follow. But I must also have the consciousness of the death and life of Jesus as it is superimposed in my life. There is a sense of abandoning my life and having his superimposed in mine instead which gives the experience of true life. The "sinful" parts to be surrendered and at the cross, which is a good kind of loss. Only then will I find true life.
A - I need to be more intentional and conscious of the centrality of the cross in my life -
surrendering through confession of my own personal sin, daily, which is the part I want to "lose", so I can continue to experience the resurrected life of Christ in me. This is where I find true worth and value.
P - Help me to be more conscious of the parts of me, dear Jesus, which offend and block the true way to life in you. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I am so bright!!! I've been wondering all week who was this wise "gazza" commenting on Jonathans' blog spot was!!! Isn't our God incredible? This week has been such an incredible one as I have soaked in The Word. And what a privilige 2 start each day with others and be able to hear what God is speaking to them- there truly is power in His blood and our testamonies!
